Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Global warming? Pass the Tea | newsleader.com | The News Leader
After the numerous blizzards that have pounded the District of Colombia, one would think that hack-scientists clinging to the foolish notion of global warming would abandon their irrational position. These charlatans and pariahs of the scientific community have simply doubled down, continuing to ignore "an inconvenient truth." Even "John Q. Public" has noticed that it's really getting deep, and I'm not referring to the record-breaking snowfall.
The U.S. Chamber: A Record of Obstruction on Climate [Hoax] Action by Shaun Goho: Yale Environment 360
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been fighting climate-change legislation and is now opposing federal efforts to regulate CO2 emissions.
American Thinker Blog: Debunking climate change doesn't mean the climate isn't changing
The climate of the Earth is changing. It's been changing for billions of years. And saying that it won't happen next Tuesday is not even close to agreeing that it has somehow stopped changing. It will change. But the exaggerations of the environmental movement have done nothing but earn the scientific community a level of trust normally reserved for politicians. Of course, Al Gore, already being a politician, never noticed the erosion.
Boucher defends position on cap and trade
The lesser of two evils is how Congressman Rick Boucher described cap and trade legislation.
The cap and trade agreement is currently in the senate and Boucher said he is working to get that body to make even more changes to it. He said regulation is inevitable and the bill passed by Congress was the best for the coal industry.
[Intrade: Price of "cap and trade by end of 2011" contract just hit yet another all-time low of 21 cents on the dollar]

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