Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Updated WMO Consensus Perspective on Tropical Cyclones
The latest WMO statement should indicate definitively (and once again) that it is scientifically untenable to associate trends in hurricane activity or damage to anthropogenic causes.
EU Referendum: It's just weather
Meanwhile, straight from the "it would never happen here" department, the governor of snow-bound St Petersburg today dismissed 11 officials and deprived the heads of municipal districts of their bonuses over failure to remove snow from the streets.

Russia's second largest city has been fighting hard against record heavy snow which has left over 500 residents injured since late December, many from falling icicles - yet another hazard of global warming.
American Thinker Blog: Sail on, Oh Newsweek...
Man, those tough lefties at Newsweek know how to take a principled stand with a modifier, don't they? When the world economy hangs in the balance, its fate to be determined by a series of scientific studies on whether or not our climate is warming and whether that warming is anthropogenic in nature, those heroes at Newsweek have no problem in taking a firm stand and shouting that it might be a good idea to toughen up our scientific standards for those studies.

We are humbled in the face of such journalistic courage. Sail on you captains of the Titanic mainstream media.
Cherries, anyone? Another data “trick” in Australia « kenskingdom Blog
Thus the GISS record for Gladstone is derived from cynically cherry-picked data. The resulting trend of about 1.7 degrees Celsius per Century cannot be justified. The record is false.

At the GISS website, the responsible NASA official is listed as Dr James Hansen. I will leave it to others to decide what he is responsible for.

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