Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Back to Basics on Climate [Fraud] and Energy - Dot Earth Blog - [Alarmist Andy Revkin] - NYTimes.com
In this case, it’s not breaking news but a flood of allegations and attacks on 100 years of research pointing to a growing human influence on the earth’s climate. The assaults have been fueled by a batch of liberated/hacked/stolen climate files that, at their root, have yet to be shown to indicate much beyond ill-advised language and strong passions among some climate scientists and by several missteps after two decades of grueling work by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

I’m not saying there’s direct cause and effect, but it’s almost as if the tidal wave of dire pronouncements about the imminent unraveling of the earth’s climate and ecosystems several years ago hit a shore and rebounded in a way that now threatens to inundate the source. More likely, we’re seeing the explosive evolution of the blogosphere as a disruptive force, linked up the chain to talk radio and pundits and creating an echo chamber in which noise can swamp information.
The Hockey Schtick: 2009 Paper: Nature Rules Climate
We have shown that internal global climate-system variability accounts for at least 80% of the observed global climate variation over the past half-century.
EPA Chief Goes Toe-To-Toe With Senate GOP Over Climate Science - NYTimes.com
U.S. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson today defended the science underpinning pending climate regulations despite Senate Republicans' claims that global warming data has been thrown into doubt.

"The science behind climate change is settled, and human activity is responsible for global warming," Jackson told the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. "That conclusion is not a partisan one."
"Let me be very clear," said Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) the committee chairwoman. "The majority of this committee believes in strong numbers that we must act," on global warming, she added.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) angrily blasted his Republican colleagues for their implications that global warming science had not been settled. "This country faces many many problems, not the least of which, we have national leaders rejecting basic science," Sanders said. "I find it incredible, I really do, that in the year 2010 on this committee, there are people who are saying there is a doubt about global warming. There is no doubt about global warming."
The Global Gullibles Shift to High Gear Smear « JoNova
Got an evidence I support nasty emails? Didn’t think so…
House Energy and Commerce Committee Republicans Press Release :: SEC’s new climate guidelines make no sense
Most of what we’ve heard since our letter went out is the sound of crickets, although the SEC does admit that it has no climatologists on staff yet.
Climate Common Sense: The Alarmists Snow Job - Less Snow becomes More Snow in Orwellian Turnaround.
The "less snow" theory was supported by the heavy hitters on the AGW Hoax team such as CRU ,and Barnett of the Scripps Institute who said: The chance that the model is incorrect, he said, is somewhere between 1 in 100 and 1 in 1,000. Whoops!

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