Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A [brainwashed] young Floridian’s experience at the UN Climate Change Conference | Daily Loaf
We still have debates in this country despite an overwhelming body of scientific evidence about whether or not climate change is occurring. Well, let me tell you something: All doubt goes away when a boy the age of fourteen from the Maldives looks you in the eyes and tells you that the water is rising outside of his home.
Bhagwati on climate change — please, no | GlobalWarming.org
Perhaps the most puzzling proposal in Bhagwati’s article is his recommendation to follow the Superfund model by introducing tort liability for past carbon emissions.
'Global warming': time to get angry – Telegraph Blogs
With honorable exceptions – such as UKIP and, on the environment at least, the BNP – our political class seem to have absolutely no understanding of the grotesque injustices being inflicted on their electorate in the name of the non-existent threat of “Climate Change.”
Politicians try to sell us hot air for profit . . .
The theory of global warming from carbon dioxide has been comprehensively discredited.

It is an ex-theory, but it is easy to see why Honourable and Right Honourable members are so attached to it.

If they can keep it going, there will be jobs from grateful carbon-traders and other snake oil salesmen when the electorate has no further use for their politicians' services.

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