Wednesday, February 24, 2010

EDITORIAL: EPA's global-warming power grab - Washington Times
Instead of preventing smokestacks from belching noxious fumes and toxic chemicals harmful to the health of human beings, the agency has made its new enemy No. 1 a cow chewing grass in a field. Citing U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, the EPA declared "enteric fermentation" - a fancy phrase to refer to a cow's natural emissions in the field - to be the primary source of methane, which is 20 times more powerful than carbon dioxide in planetary warming.

The EPA placed what it called a "primary reliance" on reports like those of the IPCC instead of conducting independent research to make its finding. Given the retractions and revelations of faulty science surrounding the global-warming religion, especially at the IPCC, it's time to take the issue out of the EPA's hands so Congress can address it in the open. The Senate should pass Mrs. Murkowski's disapproval resolution when it comes for an expected vote next month.
Heavyweights Call for Global-warming Probes
Criminal investigations to determine whether any laws were broken would be a good place to start. Using the public’s money to lie to the public and promote more government is simply unacceptable — and judging from the Climategate e-mails, that’s exactly what happened. Investigating IPCC warming bias, as the former chairman suggests, is also a good idea; though the UN investigating itself is hardly likely to uncover serious wrongdoing.

But Americans must remain aware and continue to fight against government efforts to control everything under the guise of protecting the environment. It is a crucial battle that must be won, because the consequences of losing will be devastating to struggling families everywhere, particularly in the developing world. The economy and freedom can hardly take any more blows.
[McCain still believes in the greatest scientific fraud in history]
Let me say to my colleagues, I am proud of my record on climate change. I have been all over the world, and I have seen climate change. I know it is real, and I will be glad to continue this debate with my colleagues and people who do not agree with that. I believe climate change is real.
Report: California gets $93 million, weatherizes few homes | California Watch
Despite already receiving more than $93 million in stimulus money for the task, California’s weatherization program has finished retrofitting just 12 of a planned 43,400 homes statewide – one of the worst rates in the nation, according to a study released yesterday by the U.S. Department of Energy.

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