Friday, February 19, 2010

From Piltdown man to global warming
[Susan Martinuk, Calgary Herald] Holding to debunked science and making global policies based on debunked science benefits no one. It's time to acknowledge the UN's data is seriously corrupt and that global warming, as it has long been presented to us, may not be real at all.
Jordan enlists army in climate fight | Chem.Info
OSLO (Reuters) - Jordan has unveiled plans to help fight climate change, including upgrading its armed forces by 2020, an area usually overlooked in the global warming debate.
An Inconvenient Driveway
Activists and scientists have too much invested in human-caused global warming. For activists, it’s the threat by which they can create their version of a better world, and scientists have staked their careers and reputations on the accuracy of those computer models.

Given what’s at stake, inconvenient snow and cold has to be explained away. Assuming, that is, the people who do so can get out of their driveways.
1972 Article Unearthed: 'Worse than Hitler': 'Population Bomb' author Paul Ehrlich suggested adding a forced sterilization agent to 'staple food' and 'water supply' | Climate Depot
A 1972 article about “The Population Bomb” biologist Paul Ehrlich reveals a nascent environmental movement grappling with mass sterilization, climate fears, “international policy planning” and redistribution of wealth. The article reveals dramatic parallels to today's modern environmental movement.
Green Jobs: The Last Redoubt (invoking military images of us-versus-them) — MasterResource
All this bluster about trade wars, burying the opposition in wind turbine blades and biogas feedstocks, only works if you don’t really mean it.
Coral reefs being destroyed by climate change - Telegraph
Lost paradise worlds beneath the Earth's oceans including those around the Britain are being "systemically destroyed" by climate change and over fishing before they can even be properly explored, claim scientists.

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