Wednesday, February 03, 2010

This week’s sign of the non-apocalypse (Vol. 1, No. 2) | Kyle Wingfield
Along with recent revelations about the faulty “science” used to predict human-induced doom for Himalayan glaciers, this story indicates that the “consensus” about AGW rests in part on sand rather than rock.
American Thinker Blog: All that glitters is not peer reviewed gold
Global warming alarmists insist that peer review is "the gold standard" and that publication in a peer-reviewed journal puts any research supporting manmade global warming above question or reproach.

Yet, as emails found in the Climategate scandal have shown, alarmists scheme to keep research that questions manmade global warming out of the peer-reviewed journals, and even talk of "redefining" the term peer review if necessary. At stake for alarmists is more than their reputation. It means billions of dollars in grants for research.
Federal preemption law forbids Penn State from hiding behind “FOIA Exemption” | CLIMATEGATE
We hope that Penn State University will now stop its shenanigans in trying to ‘hide the decline’ of the career and credibility of mendacious Michael Mann and let the world get on with putting climate criminals behind bars.
[Is it really too hot for orchids in Massachusetts?] |
The current work builds upon a 2008 paper by Davis and colleagues which showed that some of the plant families hit hardest by climate change at Walden Pond include beloved species like lilies, orchids, violets, roses, and dogwoods.
Shopfloor » Blog Archive » Policymakers Standing Up to Imperial EPA on Climate Policy
As Rep. Peterson said in his statement: “[Elected] officials should be making these types of decisions, not unelected bureaucrats at the EPA. I’m proud to help sponsor this bill because if Congress doesn’t do something soon, the EPA is going to cram these regulations through all on their own.”
Solar Without the Subsidies - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Isn't going over well in Germany

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