Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Polar bears disprove global warming « Don Surber
The Himalayans are not melting. The rainforest isn’t burning. The polar bears ain’t dying.

But hey, we still need to stop all human activity — before it is (dramatic pause) too late.
The Unholy Alliance between Philips and the Greens – A Guest Weblog by Joost van Kasteren and Henk Tennekes « Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
Top politicians in Europe, Germany’s Angela Merkel up front, deeply impressed by Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth, were only too eager to project an image of strength and will power concerning imagined threats to the planet. ”Save the Earth, ban the bulb” was an effective campaign strategy.

To make a long story short, it took less than one year to issue a binding European Union Edict ordering the phasing out of incandescent bulbs, starting with a ban on bulbs of 100 watts and more effective March 1, 2009, and leading to a complete ban of all incandescent lighting on September 1, 2012. The spin doctors at Philips headquarters have got it made. And if this scam backfires on them in consumer protests all over Europe, they can cover their backsides by claiming that politicians and the green movement are responsible, not they.

Backfire it will. There exist no decent alternatives to incandescent light. None.
Steven Chu: [Pay me cash up front, and later, you may get a cut of some free money!]
Regardless of what the skeptics may think, there are indeed 20-dollar bills lying on the ground all around us. We only need the will -- and the ways -- to pick them up.

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