Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ukraine – Stability and Reliability « Musings from the Chiefio
On a whim, I decided to start making the European graphs from near the bottom of the list up. And ran smack into Ukraine. Long history, stable trend. Even in the face of high year to year volatility in any given month. So the vertical scale is +/- 12 C for monthly anomaly excursions, yet we have an average that runs right along the zero line. Had to make it Hot Pink to see it. And just look at that trend line! Dead Flat. It looks like Ukraine gets a complete pass on Carbon-Guilt. Even the 1990 changes didn’t change the trend much.
Explorers Find Fresh Polar Bear Tracks
“There may well be a connection between this near-miss and the recent turbulent weather patterns that have caused the ice to break up,” said Survey Director and explorer Pen Hadow. “Seals use the open water to breath, so as more ice breaks apart, so the polar bear is afforded more hunting opportunities.”
William M. Briggs, Statistician » Warnings by Mike Smith
Yet Hurricane Katrina—which was as well forecasted as a storm can possibly be—still took the appalling mayor Ray Nagin and other officials by surprise. Smith leads us through the tragedy of ineptitude step by step. One example: why were firefighters and other rescue workers a day late? They first had to stop in Atlanta to take a mandatory course on sexual harassment before they were allowed in the field. Ah, the wisdom of government and delights of political correctness.
Climate MEPs live it up in Tenerife
A GROUP of Euro-MPs sparked fury yesterday after jetting off to sunny Tenerife on an expensive junket to discuss climate change.

The six-day summit will see scores of Eurocrats descending on the Canary Isles, leaving taxpayers back home to pick up the £550,000 bill.

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