Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour: Click to Fade @ AMERICAN DIGEST
The Big Picture at the Boston Globe site routinely publishes stunning photographs of what is taking place in the world. But at editor Alan Taylor's whim after last year's "Earth Hour", it went a step further in "celebrating" the rise of mass insanity in our age.
EU Referendum: Environmentalism has been hijacked by the warmists
Wallace is touching on a massively serious problem. Warmism has hijacked the entire environmental agenda, setting the cause of real environmental improvement back decades.

So it is not a question of "reframing". The two agendas cannot live side-by-side. True environmentalists need to reclaim their ground from the warmists, who are the enemy of the environment, distorting and perverting a worthy cause for their own ends.
Leading America's Fight Against Climate Change -
As Jackson talks tough about deadlines and cuts—trying to convince industry that the administration is standing behind her plan—the president himself has been notably quiet on the question. His aides, meanwhile, are sending signals that Obama is looking for a way to avoid such a showdown. "The president understands that the EPA must follow the science and its legal obligations," says a White House official who spoke under the usual rules of anonymity. "But he has made abundantly clear that his strong preference is for Congress to pass energy and climate legislation." Hardball Washington translation: let's make a deal.
Michelle Malkin » Is Global Warming Causing the Tea Parties?
When I read the story it occurred to me that if the Gorebots haven’t thought to link the “angry” health care protests to global warming and use that as justification to quickly ram through Cap and Trade, immigration “reform” and any other number of grand schemes that are in the works before somebody gets hurt, N.G.’s revelation might prompt them to do this very thing. Just something to be on the lookout for.

How long will it be until Al Gore sees this story and thinks to link global warming and tea parties? Put me down for three days — two if it’s warm this weekend.

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