Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Big F**cking Deal « It’s [Allegedly] Getting Hot In Here
US tracker Josh Riese explains the stakes of US Senate Legislation and how it shapes the post-COP15 world, from

The most profound difference between my experience here in Bonn and my experience at all the other negotiations I’ve attended in the last year is the massive downward shift in people’s ambition and sense of possibility. I find it difficult to understand how we’ve gone from an unrelenting & furious global push for a fair, ambitious, binding DECEMBER deal to address climate change; only four months later, to what’s being described by most as a minimum of 2 additional years of negotiations to achieve the same outcome.
Worse – there are rumors floating through the halls of the Bonn Climate Change Talks that the Kerry-Graham-Lieberman Bill will skip the international finance provisions that make or break our clout in these negotiations. All of this is a “big f*cking deal”, and it has fundamentally changed both countries’ and activists’ sense of what’s possible in our work together over the coming year.
AD: ‘Why are U.S. Trees Growing Faster?‘ by Guest: Dennis T. Avery, 4/10/10
Once again, it looks as though the man-made warming bias has infected our rank-and-file scientists.
The intolerability of tolerance | The SPPI Blog
In short, the climate train is about to tip into the gulch, and almost everyone here knows it. There are still some true-believers who have drunk too deeply of the Kool-Aid. One of these came up to the CFACT stand at the conference and conversed with me quite pleasantly until I mentioned that the science behind the IPCC’s documents is collapsing. He instantly changed his demeanor. His smile vanished, and he stumped off in a huff.
...At Dr. de Boer’s meeting with observers at the Bonn conference, two messily-dressed ladies of uncertain age, with untidy hairdos and a hectoring, bossy manner, asked why it was that “those climate skeptics” had been given the best display booth in the conference center, right next door to the entrance to the conference hall.

Mr. de Boer, far more urbane at this conference than he had been at Bali, Poznan, or Copenhagen, purred that any recognized non-government organization, whatever its views, was welcome to attend UN conferences, and neither he nor his staff had given any thought at all to the question which NGO should occupy which display stand. The two ladies quivered with displeasure at this answer. To them, tolerance was intolerable.
News Update » A Psychological Profiling of Global Warming
The ‘global warming’ grouping found it relatively easy to accommodate itself internally when it could make out that the USA was the prime villain.
AFP: UN urges for progress as climate talks enter final day
BONN — Another failure in the quest for a treaty on climate change would cripple trust in the United Nations' ability to tackle global warming, the UN's climate pointman warned as new talks ground into their final day Sunday.
"Copenhagen was the last get-out-of-jail-free card and we cannot afford another failure in Cancun," de Boer said.
The fight against eco-imperialism | Andrew Chambers | Comment is free | is unacceptable for poverty reduction in the developing world to become a staging post for ideological battles lost elsewhere. We should embrace whatever methods provide the best outcome in alleviating poverty – whether that be new roads or airports, power stations or renewables. To do otherwise is to be guilty of the worst kind of eco-imperialism – where the poor are held back for the benefit of the rich.

1 comment:

10ksnooker said...

Truth finally catches up with the climate scammers ...