Friday, April 09, 2010

Greenpeace Funded by the Political Class | MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory
Far-left advocacy group Greenpeace receives large donations from rich and powerful people, enough to drown the entire notion of political independence and non-partisanship. The mechanism of receiving funding – through foundations – is the same as the opposition “right wing” organizations that it criticizes for funding bias.
Royal Mail's decision to park its bikes defies logic | Matt Seaton | Environment |
As a senior official of the Communication Workers Union, Tony Kearns, wrote in a letter to the Guardian, how will Royal Mail square the circle of signing up to the 10:10 carbon reduction campaign while phasing out zero-carbon bicycle deliveries in favour of adding 24,000 vehicles to its fleet?
"Activists and delegates picking up the pieces of Copenhagen before the start of the Bonn climate talks"
[Wow, there must be nearly 20 people in this picture!]
Bonn climate talks diary | Environment |
Viscount Monckton back in action, fresh faces round the negotiating table and a plea for sleep
Al Fin: US Incandescents Phased Out: GE's New LED Retrofit
Starting in 2012 and continuing through 2014, standard incandescent light bulbs are going away as a result of U.S. federal lighting efficiency standards:

100-watt bulbs can no longer be made in January 2012;
75-watt bulbs can no longer be made in January 2013; and
60- and 40-watt bulbs can no longer be made in January 2014.

1 comment:

Shug Niggurath said...

Richard North tore the EU position on these bulbs a new one a while back; worth reading.

EU Referendum on Incandescent Bulbs