Friday, April 09, 2010

Has David Cameron gone soft on the Tories' 'tough' green measures? | Damian Carrington | Environment |
Does the Tory leader's reluctance to discuss nuclear power and aviation on the Today programme raise questions over his commitment to the environmental agenda?
World Bank's $3.75bn coal plant loan defies environment criticism | Environment | The Guardian
Environmental organisations said its decision to abstain fell short.

"I am not going to give them points for abstaining. This was totally the easy way out," said Karen Ornstein of Friends of the Earth. "If the US were to follow its own clean coal guidance for multilateral development banks it would have had to vote no on this loan."
BBC News - Climate change treaty 'more urgent than ever'
Describing Copenhagen as "a total failure", Venezuela's delegation chief Claudia Salerno said the accord would not reduce emissions enough to prevent significant climate impacts on poorer countries.
Staging all the extra meetings between the 2007 Bali summit and Copenhagen cost more than $30m
(£19.5m), according to the UNFCCC secretariat; and governments would have to provide the money needed to hold another series.
UN climate talks too slow: Wong
Senator Wong told The Age that Australia would continue to play an ''active and constructive role'' in the UN talks, but added: ''We will pursue all available channels, in the UN and beyond, to help forge global action.''

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