Friday, April 09, 2010

Global Warming's To Blame For Yeti And Other Monsters
It’s the easiest, laziest explanation for a cryptid sighting. It’s just some creature with mange! No matter what it might be, it’s just some critter with mange. The Oriental Yeti is a civet cat with mange. The chupacabra is a mangy dog. The other chupacabra is a bald raccoon. Whatever your monster, it’s just creature X with mange. While it’s a convenient excuse, it might also be true: mange is on the rise all around the world.

Mike Bowdenchuck, state director for Texas Wildlife Services, sees a lot of mangy critters. Mange is a parasitic skin infection caused by mites that results in sores and hairlessness. Here’s the key difference, and where global warming comes into play.

“Down here, animals don’t die of mange, because the temperatures are warm enough,” Bowdenchuck said. Mange is very common in colder areas, in fact wolves are getting it in Montana right now, and in North Dakota foxes get it. Up there it’s fatal, so you never see animals with the severe cases that we see in the southern climates, because they don’t live long enough for the mites to get that bad to cause the hair to fall off. They die of hypothermia first.”
Power Grab: How Obama’s Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America | CEI
Christopher C. Horner, author of Red Hot Lies, has a new book coming out Monday, April 19, from Regnery Publishing. Power Grab: How Obama’s Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America is an exposé of the Green Movement’s rise to political power and the frightening consequences of Obama’s Green-friendly energy mandates. Horner reveals who in Washington is driving this expansion of environmentalist policy and analyzes how new restrictions will harm economic recovery and development in America.
John Muir legacy lives on
In 2005 the Sierra Club made the fight against global warming its number one priority and that commitment is now reflected at the highest levels of the US Government.
[The Scarlet C?]: Ten green sex sins that can sabotage your love life - Yahoo! News
Sin: Courting by car
Climate change is the last thing you want to think about in the heat of the moment. [How about climate realism?]

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