Friday, April 09, 2010

Moby's beef with Obama's bacon bit | Washington Examiner
He even dared take on fellow liberal Al Gore.

"I asked him why ... he wrote a book about an inconvenient truth, he doesn't mention animal production," Moby said, "... and his answer was really honest, because it's too inconvenient of a truth for most people."
[Jobs, jobs, jobs: maybe later]: Oil and gas leases put on hold in Mont., Dakotas
BILLINGS, Mont. -- Federal land managers are suspending an April 13 sale of 91,000 acres of oil and gas leases in Montana and the Dakotas until they can study how oil field activities contribute to climate change.
A Sneak Attack on NYC’s Electric Bill | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
The decision to deny Indian Point its water-quality certificate is a bid to close the plant down — possibly with an eye on then shuttering other nuclear plants with similar cooling systems across the state or even nationwide.

This isn’t state bureaucrats doing their job — it’s an ideologically-driven move that could cost New York a vital source of clean, affordable energy.
Al Fin: Planet Earth Barely Notices Effect of Anthropogenic CO2
There was five times as much CO2 in the air during dinosaur years as now, and twenty times as much before that [AF: When most plants evolved].....oceans continuously absorb CO2 and tie it up as calcium carbonate and limestone. There is now too little CO2 in the atmosphere for good plant growth (385 parts per million). Humans are slightly correcting the problem. Greenhouse operators often add three times as much CO2 to the air to improve plant growth. _ClimateBasics
EU Referendum: Go for coal (updated 2)
You can see why the greenies are so upset. The plant will add potentially 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere over term - about three times the total UK annual emissions from power stations, motor vehicles and homes. It effectively makes a nonsense of our attempts to cut our emissions, especially when India is planning six of these units, dwarfing any UK reductions.

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