Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cuccinelli says climate change probe is about fraud - Minnesotans For Global Warming
No infringement on academic freedom
Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli said Wednesday the investigation by his office into the research activities of a former UVA scientist is about possible fraud and is in no way an infringement on academic freedom Cuccinelli said that he is not investigating Dr. Michael Mann's scientific conclusions and that the legal standards for the misuse of taxpayer dollars apply the same at universities as they do any other agency of state government.
GISS Arctic Trends Disagree with Satellite Data | Watts Up With That?
GISS Arctic temperatures have been rising much faster than other data sources.
Global Average Sea Surface Temperatures Poised for a Plunge « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
Just an update…as the following graph shows, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) along the equatorial Pacific (“Nino3.4″ region, red lines) have been plunging, and global average SSTs have turned the corner, too.
Thune: Climate Rules Worse Than Cap-and-Trade - Roll Call
In the case of cap-and-trade, the Obama administration is now trying to sneak its plan past Congress and the American people by issuing new rules through the Environmental Protection Agency. Under the guise of regulating greenhouse gases, administration officials are slipping in through the back door what they couldn’t get in through the front: a massive energy tax on families and small businesses.

1 comment:

susan said...

Per the BBC, a UK resort area in Dorset, Bournemouth, has dumped the elite UK Met office weather forecasting service due to chronic inaccuracy. Met geniuses predicted 2009 to be a barbecue summer, it turned out to be the reverse. Such misinformation loses tourist areas much money. Families lost money and precious holiday time. Bournemouth is signing up with Weathernet.