Friday, June 11, 2010

How doubts about global warming are on the rise after 'big freeze' winter and emails row | Mail Online
Professor Nick Pidgeon, of Cardiff University's school of psychology, said the fall in belief in climate change could be down to people's 'finite pool of worry' and greater concern with the financial crisis.

He added: 'The short-term effects are more obvious - the emails and the fact we had a very cold winter - and people think "where is global warming when we're sitting here in 3ft of snow?".'
Climate Science and the IPCC Fail Legal Cross Examination
The political whitewash of the work of Michael Mann, Phil Jones and all those associated with the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was stunning and brazen. They did not listen to anyone who knew what the accused had done. They examined only a few papers carefully selected by the Royal Society, which itself had a history of political involvement and propaganda.

So they only spoke with the defendants, only considered a controlled fraction of the evidence, and the judges were carefully selected for their prejudice. It bypassed every basic element of jurisprudence. When those basics are applied in legal examination of the climate data and record the ‘official’ science of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is proved wanting.
Italian Green Jobs: Where’s the Spaghetti? — MasterResource
Mr Lavecchia is a fellow and Dr. Stagnaro the research and studies director at Istituto Bruno Leoni. This post follows the release of their recent analysis for Italy showing that for every ‘green’ job created by government, 4.8 ‘gray’ jobs are lost in the private sector.
- Bishop Hill blog - Quote of the day
Claims such as ‘2,500 of the world’s leading scientists have reached a consensus that human activities are having a significant influence on the climate’ are disingenuous. That particular consensus judgement, as are many others in the IPCC reports, is reached by only a few dozen experts in the specific field of detection and attribution studies; other IPCC authors are experts in other fields.
Mike Hulme in a forthcoming paper about the governance of the IPCC.
Die Klimazwiebel: Public opinion and the crisis of climate science
But what does it tell about a science when climate scientists act like politicians in an election campaign, preparing for a final public vote on the reality of climate change? In my opinion, this is not a crisis of the public; instead, this indeed profound 'politicization' is a signal of a deep crisis of climate science itself. The crisis is not out there, in the public - it is inside science.
C3: What Damage Has Human CO2 Emissions Done To Coral Reefs? New Peer-Research Says 'Nada'
Climate science alarmists predicted that coral reefs would decline due to increase ocean "acidification" from human CO2 emissions. To test that prediction, scientists examined over 1,900 coral reefs in the Caribbean over a 35 year span. Other than an outbreak of a coral disease in 1981, the coral reefs have been stable, showing no impacts from changes in water pH.
Millionaire Chris Huhne finds new ways to waste your money – Telegraph Blogs
The idea that “scientists” – whoever “scientists” are – believe that whether the EU can cut its plant food (aka CO2) production by 20 per cent or 30 per cent will make the blindest bit of difference to “climate change” is absurd beyond measure.

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