Friday, June 11, 2010

Leicester bureaucrats fall for global warming scam AND hydrogen car scam

Riversimple and City of Leicester to launch world's greenest car
A ground-breaking agreement that will see 30 highly energy efficient hydrogen fuel-cell powered cars on the streets of Leicester was signed today (Thursday June 10th) by Riversimple, the sustainable car company, and Leicester City Council. In the first project of its kind, the deal will see the council and Riversimple cooperate to find both private citizens and organisations to test drive the vehicles and locate and man a suitable refuelling point.
Sheila Lock, Leicester City Council's chief executive, said: "This confirms Leicester's status as a city which is leading the way in environmental terms. We recognise that we have a duty to our residents, their children - and to the country - to reduce pollution and help prevent global warming. This is yet another step in making Leicester a better place to live and we look forward also to the possibility of providing factory jobs if things go well."
Flashback: Joseph Romm: Hydrogen-powered cars aren't so environmentally friendly | Comment is free |
Would you buy a car that costs 10 times as much as a hybrid gasoline-electric one, like the Toyota Prius? What if I told you it had half the range of the hybrid? What if I told you most cities didn't have a single hydrogen fuelling station? Not interested yet? This should be the deal closer: what if I told you it wouldn't have lower greenhouse-gas emissions than the hybrid?

Other than the traditional media, and some presidential candidates, who are as distracted by shiny new objects as my 16-month-old daughter, nobody should get terribly excited when a car company rolls out its wildly impractical next-generation hydrogen car. Too many miracles are required for it to be a marketplace winner.


Anonymous said...

If we had abundant electricity like... from nuclear plants, then hydrogen could be produced and used as fuel for cars and jets.
Yet with solar and wind power that can't even power the claimed number of "homes" (1 home = 1 kilowatt) at night and on non-windy days, how can we expect to have enough energy? The way things are heading, we'll be happy if we can keep our energy-saving lightbulbs on half of the time.

cleanwater said...

It's time to do some definitions:
Climate: thousands of weather days strung together for any one region.
There are thousands of different climate in the world- North America, Europe, Africa, South America and every different reagion that you want to define.
Weather: changing atmospheric conditons where you are.
Can mankind controll the weather? NOT that I know of. Then how the hell do we expect to control climate.
The greenhouse gas effect is a fairy-tale. It has never been proven and never will be. Just another Easter Bunny or Sainta Clause.