Thursday, July 29, 2010

Al Gore’s Masseuse Problem: Crisis Managers Say Fight Harder - The Daily Beast
Crisis managers tell The Daily Beast’s Lloyd Grove that the former vice president is not doing enough to combat the salacious allegations that he behaved inappropriately with several masseuses.
“’Crazed sex poodle’ has got to be one of the great coinages of our time,” says Los Angeles-based crisis-communications expert Allan Mayer, who says that Gore, if blameless, should fight the charges, possibly by going on a respected morning television show opposite a tough interviewer “like Matt Lauer.” Mayer also advises Gore to file a libel suit against the National Enquirer, which broke the story, and his accusers. “Whenever you’re accused of anything these days, and it’s not true, you have to fire back with both barrels—give an unequivocal denial and, if possible, an explanation,” Mayer says. “I find it hard to understand why he wouldn’t do that, except for the fact that it might be true. From the way he’s been behaving, the only logical inference is that there must be at least some truth to these allegations.”
“I personally have seen a lot of people melt down in this business and I don’t derive any pleasure from it,” says New York-based Democratic consultant Hank Sheinkopf. “It is awful to see it happen to this guy, who found his life’s work trying to save the world’s climate, and now he may not be known for that as much as he used to be—and that’s not good…. Can Al Gore come back? In a funny way, the best thing that can happen to Al Gore—and maybe the worst thing for everybody else—is for what he’s been saying about consequences climate change and global warming to actually happen. And then he becomes a visionary, and people are able to forgive him more quickly.”

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