Thursday, July 29, 2010

Michael E. Mann: In denial of warming, lies were repeated [by the way, step right up and buy a copy of my climate hoax promotion book] |
Havanac objects to the term "climate-change denier" to describe him and his fellow travelers. Perhaps he prefers to think of himself as a "skeptic" instead? Well, skepticism is a good thing in science. But when it is applied in only one direction (that is, to reject all evidence of climate change while uncritically accepting transparently flawed arguments against it), it is not skepticism at all, but indeed, denial.

Readers interested in the truth behind the science, rather than the falsehoods and smears perpetuated by people like Havanac, should consult the scientist-run website or scientifically based books on the topic like my "Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming."

If it ironic that Havanac accuses climate scientists of dishonesty. It is those who spread false information about science and scientists -- whether knowingly, or by simply uncritically parroting the disinformation of others -- who do the greatest harm to the public discourse on vital issues such as climate change.
Climate Change: The Next Generation: More Currygate: Judith Curry has spread "disinformation" in Brazil. Interview from Época magazine, May 1, 2010
Judith Curry has spread her brand of disinformation in Brazil. Interview from Época magazine, May 1, 2010
Dear Readers, I will try to translate as much as I can, but it will take a while, so please be patient.
Curry – They do not know with certainty how much of the warming that occurred in the 20th century can be attributed to human activity.

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