Thursday, July 29, 2010

Alarmist ‘State of the Climate’ Report Draws Fire
Numerous media pieces have recently proclaimed the demise of the “global-warming cult,” noting that the public doesn’t buy it and that politicians who push the alarmism are dropping like flies. But with hundreds of billions of tax dollars invested in the alarmism machine, the movement will not go away quietly.
Immigration and global warming
Oppenheimer et al are using this paper as political propaganda, just based on the countries they use as examples. How many headlines would a paper get if it examined immigration patterns between Bangladesh and India, or North Africa and Spain?

We know that PNAS is moving towards being the propaganda arm of climate hysterics--witness their shameful acceptance of the late Stephen Schneider's bogus paper attempting to prove the superior expertise of his 'side' of the argument, and establishing a blacklist of opponents for current and future abuse.

Maybe PNAS should start putting Alfred E. Newman on the cover of future issues.
Lessons From Two Important Climate Forecasts - Dot Earth Blog -
...I find it just as valuable to recall, along with Broecker’s achievements, one of his missteps. He gained widest fame for his warning, derived from studies of past climate fluctuations, that great flows of fresh water from melting ice sheets could disrupt Atlantic Ocean currents and cause regional cooling (such an idea was caricatured in the Hollywood disaster film “ The Day After Tomorrow“).
"New evidence" of global warming is just a new cherrypick
Compiled by old frauds. For a start, they left out of their dataset the most accurate climate record of all: The satellite data. You'll never guess why! Below is the DT report, with further comments at the foot of it

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