Thursday, July 29, 2010

Study: Beets hit hard in carbon [swindle] tax scenarios | Grand Forks Herald
FARGO — U.S. sugar production will decrease “substantially” if carbon emissions are taxed at projected rates, says a new analysis by the Center for Agricultural Policy and Trade Studies at North Dakota State University in Fargo.
Say Anything » Climate Scam Agenda Will Destroy the Sugar Beet Industry
I sure [hope] someone points out to the climate hoaxers like Collin Peterson, Kent Conrad and Byron Dorgan that the sugar beet industry is the number one industry in the Red River Valley.
C3: Climate Data Fabrication: That Wacky James Hansen & His Craaazy Arctic Temperatures
Nasa's climate group (GISS) receives billion's of taxpayer dollars, supposedly to help us better understand the climate and global temperatures. One would have expected, and hoped, that this taxpayer largesse would result in properly placed temperature measuring instruments in the polar areas. No such luck.

Instead of creating a polar temperature sensor network, the GISS dumpkoffs decided to create magical Arctic temperatures based on temperature readings from 1,000 kilometers away. As the scientists and taxpayers are now finding, Hansen's GISS temperature fabrication methodology has produced some really off-the-wall Arctic temps.
[Speaking of "craaazy"]: YouTube - adam sandler cheap halloween costumes

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