Thursday, August 12, 2010

Danish Scientist on 'huge' Greenland ice floe break: 'The size of ice floes is not unusual..."

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According to Leif Toudal Pedersen, a researcher in sea ice at DMI, it is not unusual for huge flakes of ice breaks loose.
...The size of ice floes is not unusual, says the researcher.
..."It is a completely natural process...Some summers the ice hanging and other summers break it up, "he said.
Flashback: Detached giant [Antarctic] iceberg may cause colder winters
According to Australian researchers may iceberg blocking an area that produces a quarter of the world's most condensed and cold seawater.
Researchers say that if production of this seawater is beginning to happen more slowly, it could result in colder winters in the North Atlantic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The huge Greenland ice berg "is a a completely natural process" says the Danish authority. Meanwhile, a Penn State University stoog for science faund claims to Congress that it portends a 23 foot rise in sea levels!
Hey, WHo ya gonna believe?
