Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fraudster Al Gore | Climate [Hoax] Town Hall Discussion
[Five minute audio "highlights" here--at the 2:20 mark, Gore claims that "More than 97% of the climate scientists around the world are telling us that the evidence is very clear"]
Computers are Causing Global Warming | Climate Skeptic
At least, that is, in Nepal. Willis Eschenbach has an interesting post looking into the claim that Nepal has seen one of the highest warming rates in the world (thus threatening Himalayan glaciers, etc etc). It turns out there is one (1) GISS station in Nepal, and oddly enough the raw data shows a cooling trend. Only the intervention of NASA computers heroically transforms a cooling trend into the strong warming trend we all know must really be there because Al Gore says its there and he got a Nobel Prize, didn’t he?
More on the Monckton/Abraham debate on global warming | The SPPI Blog
Why is Chris Monckton the victim of a global warming attack campaign? Effectiveness. Few have been so brilliantly effective at debunking the global warming scare as this compellingly articulate British Lord.
Just When I Thought I Had Seen the Worst Possible Peer-Reviewed Climate Work… | Climate Skeptic
This is really some crazy-bad science in a new study by Welch et al on Asian rice yields purporting to show that they will be reduced by warmer weather. This is an odd result on its face, given that rice yields have been increasing as the world has warmed over the last 50 years.
Why It Is Good to Have Two Sides of A Debate | Climate Skeptic
OK, so 600F readings will be thrown out, but how do we have any confidence the rest of the readings are OK. Just because they may read in a reasonable range, e.g, 59F, the NOAA is just going to assume those readings are OK?
Poll: Public favors Dems on energy, while Obama spill rating rises - The Hill's E2-Wire
The new poll gives Dems a bigger edge on dealing with global warming, with 40 percent of respondents saying the Democrats would do a better job and 13 percent saying the GOP would do a better job. But that’s still smaller than the 45-point edge Dems had in a January 2008 survey.

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