Friday, October 29, 2010

Mt. Hood resorts opening some lifts for Halloween skiers
It's only the fourth time since 1984 that Timberline will be open before Halloween
IPCC will 'probably' make more mistakes, vice chair claims - Telegraph
Professor Jean-Pascal van Ypersele conceded that the IPCC had been "naive and incompetent" in its handling of the incorrect claim that every glacier in the Himalayas could be melted by 2035, and accepted that there "probably would be mistakes" in a larger report scheduled for 2013-14.
Amtrak Orders Greener Locomotives -
From 2013 to 2019 it will buy 70 new electric locomotives for use on the Northeast corridor between Washington and Boston and the Keystone Corridor between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, replacing 64 locomotives, some of which date to 1980 and have 3.5 million miles on the odometer.
This works better in a train than in a car. In the car, the current goes back into the battery, which has limited capacity and can only accept it relatively slowly. On the train, the energy goes back into the overhead power lines and the electric grid, which can accept all of the energy quickly.

Jürgen Wilder, vice president and general manager of rolling stock at Siemens, explained that this allowed trains to exchange energy. “Maybe another locomotive at the same time can be accelerated with the power that locomotive is going to give back,” he said.
How valuable are random pulses of electricity injected back into the grid?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

from the article: "...The 70 new locomotives, which have a peak power of 10,000 horsepower and draw over 5 megawatts..."

How many solar panels does it take to power one of those 10000 horsepower engines? Especially at night!