Friday, October 29, 2010

State releases landmark global warming [hoax] rules - San Jose Mercury News
Roughly 600 of California's major polluters -- from oil refineries to power plants and factories -- will face mandatory limits on the amount of greenhouse gases they emit, starting on Jan. 1, 2012, under new rules released today by state air regulators.

The facilities will be able to trade pollution credits under a new "cap and trade" market, and will be allowed to use projects that offset global warming, such as tree planting, to cover up to 8 percent of their emissions limits.
Industry officials said Friday they are still reading through the 1,000 pages of draft regulations, but are pleased the cap-and-trade program will allow some offsets through programs like planting trees, and also that 90 percent of the pollution allowances will be given away by the state, rather than all auctioned, as some environmentalists had wanted.

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