Saturday, October 30, 2010

American Thinker: John Kerry and the People in the Cheap Seats
Now, that last bit -- cheap-seat politics -- is the kicker. How truly awful it must be for the Senate's richest man -- wealthier than the Senate's Rockefeller -- to have to put up with those of us in the cheap seats.
When John Kerry says we've abandoned science and truth, we can only ask: If the truth was so compelling, why did the environmentalists at the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit have to perform their usual "tricks" to "hide the decline"?

The funniest part of Kerry's anguished cry is his complaint that Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are responsible for this rise in what he calls "know nothingism." If you add all of Rush's listeners -- and they are legion -- to all of Glenn Beck's viewers, you still don't come close to the tens of millions of voters who are expected to render a verdict on Kerry liberalism next week.
Desert tortoise gets fast-tracked to the curb | Watts Up With That?
This cute desert tortoise enjoying the sun and flowers needs to move in order to make way for a new kind of flora in the Mojave desert: very environmentally friendly solar panel trees.
An Inconvenient Truth — Biological Productivity of the Tundra Has Increased Since 1981, Perhaps Due to Warming. | Watts Up With That?
“The biomass of mosses has increased by 74% and that of evergreen shrubs by 60%. The total biomass of the system has increased significantly, and vegetation has grown taller. But because there was plenty of open ground at the site into which plants could expand, these changes did not result in decreases in any group. The research indicates that climate change has already begun to increase plant productivity in the high Arctic.”

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