Saturday, October 30, 2010

American Thinker: The Church of the Green Dragon
Global warmism and the green movement mark a first: Scientists, media, and government have jointly embraced a religion. The greenies sport wacky beliefs based on bogus studies that breed flimsy theories that inspire harmful policies. The Church of the Green Dragon mocks all of reality, especially science.
Greenies are not about other people's prosperity. Greenies would "save the planet" while teasing personal fortunes from other people's money. The fact is that without subsidies, production costs make green electricity too expensive to compete on the open market. Yet subsidies don't totally cover the higher costs. As more and more green electricity gets fed into the power grid, consumers will pay higher and higher prices. Taxpayers will pay higher and higher taxes to cover the subsidies. Anderson warns, "No economy can grow under such circumstances. The reality is that "green energy" actually causes the economy to contract."
Jennifer Marohasy » Volcanic Eruptions and Global Temperature
VOLCANIC eruptions have long been known to influence global climate, besides their obvious local effects. They emit large clouds of aerosols and sulphur-containing gases into the lower and upper atmospheres, affecting albedo, cloud formation and causing optical phenomena. They also cause widespread oceanic disturbance (tsunamis) which can destroy settlements large distances from the eruption. Although there is now conclusive evidence from the satellite record of temperature effects from volcanic eruptions and from ENSO, there is, so far, no evidence of global warming from an increase in greenhouse gases.
The Climate Sceptics (TCS) Blog: Dr. Tim Ball interviewed by Michael Coren
Talking about the time when Canada was covered with an ice sheet 25,000 years ago, he asks:
"Did Barny Rubble drive cars to cause that to melt?"
"They were peer-reviewing each others work; it was a totally incestuous system.."

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