Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How a Scientific Integrity Act Could Shift the Global Warming Debate « the Air Vent
When discussing the issue with friends or in the media, explain the levels and ask them would they think it reasonable that the science behind a measure that will cost billions should be subject to a certain amount of scrutiny.
La Nina Cooling May Mean More Snow and Storms, Higher Fuel Prices for U.S. - Bloomberg
Blizzards, droughts, floods and a surge in hurricanes may be in store as a cooling trend in the Pacific known as La Nina alters weather around the world and threatens to boost prices for heating fuels and crops.
Emma Pullman | Gore Admits Corn Ethanol Support Was A Mistake
The corn ethanol of here and now has a hefty ecological footprint, and is creating an ecological headache. Kudos to Gore for speaking out that his support for the subsidies was based on votes, and not science.

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