Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Preview of the Upcoming United Nations Climate Change Meeting, COP-16
QUESTION: I’m Ingeborg Eliassen of Aftenblad of Norway. According to press reports, almost half of the Republican new members of Congress don’t even believe there is an urgency in the climate matters. How do you expect this fact to influence your work?
ASSISTANT SECRETARY STERN: Well, it’s interesting. I don’t actually think it’s going to influence my work in a direct way. I think that what the United States is able to do in terms of taking action domestically, however, is obviously quite important and has a indirect, if you will, but important indirect effect on my work.
...one of our great senators, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, said years ago that everybody is entitled to their own opinions, but they’re not entitled to their own facts. And that’s something that some of our friends in Congress are going to have to learn.
Ice core on public display in new drive to educate public on climate change - Telegraph
Professor Chris Rapley, Director of the Science Museum, said the ice core should help people to understand climate change science.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Nissan Leaf EPA Rating Hugely Flawed
True MPGe is closer to 36, see below. The 36 actually comes from the government’s own research and rule-making, which they have chosen to ignore.
America Gets Gored - Investors.com
Still, ethanol mandates did wonders for Gore's political life, bringing him everything from a 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for environmentalism to big bucks to speak in places like Athens, Greece.

By his own admission, Gore's mistake came at our expense and for that he deserves scorn. More importantly, the feel-good era of environmentalism by government diktat must end.

Taxpayers shouldn't be sacrificed on the altar of environmentalism to satisfy one man's ambitions.

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