Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Out: Climate Alarmism. In: Climate Alarmism Lite - By Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore - National Review Online
Time: Climate: Be Afraid of Global Warming. But Not Too Afraid

But be just afraid enough to think it’s a cracker-jack idea to spend billions upon billions on something that we’re now supposed to be “not too afraid” of.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Science That Is Run Like a Soviet Election
Hmm, that kind of confirms what critics have been saying for years, that the IPCC has nothing to do with science. Because, you see, to my knowledge the scientists of the next IPCC have not even started their work, but the UN leadership has already determined what the report will say. Which is consistent with their process in the last go around, where the UN political guys crafted the management summary first, and then circulated it to the scientific teams with instructions to adjust their sections of the report to fit the pre-existing conclusion.
JunkScience to Al Gore: En garde! « Green Hell Blog
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — JunkScience.com today launched the web site GoreFacts.com as a response to KochIndustriesFacts.com, Al Gore’s attack on Koch Industries for opposing climate alarmism.

“I think Al Gore may come to regret his desperate and juvenile attack on Koch Industries,” said JunkScience.com publisher Steve Milloy. “Gore has now inspired us to accumulate documented facts about Gore and to present them to the public in a single web site dedicated to spotlighting Gore’s habitual hypocrisy, dishonesty and creepiness.” Milloy added.

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