Monday, December 06, 2010

Britain is freezing to death
MIDDLE class families are among millions of Britons who cannot afford to heat their homes this winter, as elderly ride on buses all day to stay in the warm.
2010 - An Unexceptional El Nino Year
If the media headlines are to be believed 2010 is heading to be either the warmest or in the top three warmest years since the instrumental global temperature records began 150 years ago, and proof that the world is getting ever warmer. But looking more closely at the data reveals a different picture.

2010 will be remembered for just two warm months, attributable to the El Nino effect, with the rest of the year being nothing but average, or less than average temperature.
Coldest village gets by with warm community spirit - Yorkshire & Humber news - South Yorkshire Times
Parish council chairman Garry Key said the current cold snap is the coldest he can remember.
"I think it's the coldest it's been since the 1940s." - Weather News | Lake-Effect Snow to Bury the Great Lakes
Bitterly cold air diving southward across the Great Lakes over the weekend triggered a round of heavy lake-effect snow that will dump feet of snow along some of the downwind areas over the next few days.
The Reference Frame: Czech daily grills Rahmstorf during interview
LN: NGOs usually comprise of believers who have devoted their lives to the warming theory and they publish propaganda.
The well-informed journalist who was talking to Rahmstorf is called Daniel Kaiser.

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