Thursday, December 16, 2010

Global warming, climate change: Arctic ice melt may promote cross-breeding -
Because hybrid offspring — or their offspring, in turn — are often infertile, maladapted or sickly, much of the genetic biodiversity of the Arctic could be lost, the scientists warned.
hybrid vigor: Definition from
Heterosis, or hybrid vigor or outbreeding enhancement, is the increased function of any biological quality in a hybrid offspring. It is the occurrence of a genetically superior offspring from mixing the genes of its parents.
Met Office Removes Their 2007 Press Releases | Real Science
The 2007 “sizzling summer” forecast is no longer available on their web site.
American Thinker Blog: UN Climate consensus failing
The world's most successful economies may see each other as competitors in international commerce, but they are coming together in favor of continued growth and national independence from UN governance.

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