Wednesday, January 12, 2011

China Freeze Hurts Sugar Cane, May Cut Output in Guangxi, Biggest Grower - Bloomberg
Sugar output in China, the third- biggest producer, may decline by as much as 300,000 metric tons after snow and frost this year damaged crops, Beijing-based brokerage Wanda Futures Co. said.
Snow present in 49 of the 50 U.S. states – This Just In - Blogs
Put another way, that means snow is present in 69.4 percent of the lower 48, which is more than double than December. This is extremely unusual, though it's hard to put a date on when this last happened because records aren't kept on this kind of event.
Green backlash begins — lamely « Green Hell Blog
Note that as CO2 levels increased, so did life expectancy — the best measure of public health. Although correlation does not necessarily equate to causation, we expect that life expectancy correlates very highly with per capita CO2 emissions around the world.
“Losing Winter” | Real Science
2008 article lamenting the demise of snow in the Northeast.
Politics of climate expertise. Part II | Climate Etc.
In the politics of climate expertise, which experts should be paid attention to?

Steve Schneider had very clear views on this, as evidenced in this interview with Rick Piltz shortly before his death, about the PNAS paper. It is the elite climate scientists (which includes geophysical scientists, ecologists and economists) as judged by their number of publications and citations. Many reputable scientists such as Syun Akasofu (a solar physicist and climate skeptic) were not included in the statistics because he had not published more than 20 papers that were judged to be on the topic of climate. Seems to me that Akasofu has more knowledge about detection and attribution than nearly all of the biologists and economists included in the “list”?

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