Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The EU’s Serial Economy Killers: 0.002°C For €2.9 Trillion
The questions of course are: How much is this EU scheme going to cost? And what are we going to gain from it?

The answers are respectively: a fortune and nothing. Next week Connie Heedegard, EU Climate Commissar, will release more on the costs. But this is no big secret. Last week I posted on this here: 15 Trillion Dollar Self Flagellation.
The Great Texas Wind Swindle: Property Owners vs. the State (Part I) — MasterResource
The eastern Texas Panhandle, a land of rolling sand hills, tree-lined creek beds and tall grass vistas, may seem a desolate place to outsiders. Still, it has its beauty, especially to the cattle ranchers and wheat farmers who work and live on it. But not for long.

Much of this land–the fragile habitat of the Lesser Prairie Chicken and the Whooping Crane–is scheduled to become industrialized if the Texas Public Utility Commission (Texas PUC), the Department of Energy (DOE) and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) have their way. Incongruously, the demolition of this mostly native grassland is being proposed in the name of green energy. And this project is wholly government-dependent in a sector where suppliers do not have to be taxpayer enabled.
Lodgepole Pines Are Getting Healthier While Going Extinct | Real Science

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