Thursday, March 10, 2011

The New York Times folks think you're stupid: Coffee grew just fine in Columbia in 2006, but trace amounts of CO2 allegedly caused poor crop in 2010

Heat Hampers Colombian Coffee Crop, Jeopardizing Supply -
Purveyors fear that the Arabica coffee supply from Colombia may never rebound — that the world might, in effect, hit “peak coffee.”

In 2006, Colombia produced more than 12 million 132-pound bags of coffee, and set a goal of 17 million for 2014. Last year the yield was nine million bags.
...[note some climate realism buried deep in the article]
While climate scientists agree that the increase in temperature is a clear signal of global warming and high ocean temperatures are generally associated with more frequent storms, scientists are uncertain whether the peculiar weather patterns in the area are directly related to warming, said Stephen E. Zebiak, director general of the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University.

“It is hard to know whether this severe weather represents natural fluctuations or is a climate change signal, though from a risk management sense, there is good reason to consider how to cope with these extreme events,” Dr. Zebiak said.

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