Thursday, March 10, 2011

PostPartisan - One thing those taped NPR execs probably didn't get wrong
Those who deny the basic fact that the Earth has experienced a warming trend over the past several decades are screaming against gigatons of formidable evidence -- land and sea thermometer readings, animal migration patterns, shrinking glaciers and sea ice, longer growing seasons, and so forth.
It is reasonable for a news organization to say, and it's fair to interpret the NPR fundraisers' meaning to be: Warming is a fact. The science still isn't 100 percent clear on precisely how much an additional unit of anthropogenic carbon dioxide contributes to this -- though "not at all" almost certainly isn't the answer -- or exactly what the varied consequences will be.
Rev. Chuck Currie: The Gospel of Protecting the Environment
The good news is that over the last decade a growing consensus has emerged between Roman Catholics, mainline Christians, orthodox Christians and evangelicals Christians that stewardship over Creation, granted to humanity in Genesis, includes protecting the environment and reversing the damage created by human caused global climate change. Politicians who don't take the environment seriously risk alienating religious voters as more and more clergy from different political backgrounds use their pulpits to preach a message of environmental justice.

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