Monday, July 04, 2011

Remember when they claimed it was warming in recent years, and people who disagreed were worse than Hitler? Turns out it wasn't warming

Man-made climate change evidence 'hidden' by sulphur emissions - Telegraph
Exponents of global warming have struggled to explain why temperatures have declined in recent years instead of rising in line with the significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

Researchers now claim that sulphur emissions from power plants in China are blocking sunlight and having a cooling effect on the atmosphere, cancelling out the effect of global warming.
Among the authors of the paper, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal was Michael Mann, the scientist behind the controversial "hockey stick" graph which shows a sharp rise in temperatures in the past 100 years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Readers, keep track of all the different reasons the warmists give for any cooling that we may have and in particular, pay attention to the lack of a quiet sun as the cause.

I believe that if the sun goes into a prolonged minimum and cooling does occur, the warmists are going to find as many reasons as they can to blame it on reasons other than the sun.