Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Kimmel's 'Inconvenient Truth' Sequel Shows Al Gore Fed Up (VIDEO)
With Gore's actual sequel to "An Inconvenient Truth" in the works [since 2008?] , one has to wonder how long Gore will go on talking about our planet's demise before he gets completely fed up. On Tuesday night's "Jimmy Kimmel Live," Kimmel presented a trailer for Gore's sequel that makes it seem as if he's already had it up to here.
Should the Government Tax Stupidity? - Daniel Freedman - Freed Thinking - Forbes
The group supports using Pigovian taxes to discourage carbon dioxide emissions – because, the argument runs, it contributes to climate change (and therefore harms society). They would tax pollution-causing activities such as driving and flying, thereby creating a disincentive to use those methods of travel and raising money to counter the environmental damage.

A problem with Pigovian taxes is that they rely on politicians to divine what needs to be taxed, and at what rate.
Namibian 50-Year Hockey Stick
I’ve often wondered why Germany remains so joined at the hip with the climate change movement when everywhere else it is collapsing. One reason may be because of the constant weak non-science-based reports like the one presented at N24 German television.
Gore — Master Debater | The SPPI Blog

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