Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Are Evangelicals or University Professors More Irrational? | FrontPage Magazine
With regard to man-made global warming, the accusation that all skeptics are anti-science is despicable and, indeed, anti-science. The list of prominent scientists who dissent — including the scientist widely considered the dean of climate science in America, Richard Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology — is so long that there are entire websites that feature their names and credentials: There’s a Wikipedia page titled “List of Scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming” and a website called PetitionProject.org.

The authors of the Times op-ed piece, like virtually all other left-wing intellectuals who comment on the subject, dismiss all skepticism regarding the Al Gore​ hypothesis that humanity is headed toward a worldwide apocalypse due to heat resulting from man-made carbon emissions. This is a reflection on these intellectuals’ politics, not on their commitment to science.
Live Microblogging Of IOP’s “Finding a way forward for climate change” By Chris Rapley « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
Claims evidence of AGW is the “pattern of evidence” but individual pieces of evidence not enough on their own
The Hockey Stick: On the Front Line on the Climate Wars - St. Mary's College of Maryland
Dr. Michael Mann, Penn State University. Book signing to follow lecture.
St. Mary's City, MD 20686

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