Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Union of Concerned [junk] scientists; “These leftover emails should be met with a collective yawn,”; “Stolen emails won’t cool us off during killer heat waves or prevent floodwaters from washing away our homes.”

Hackers Release Batch of Stolen Emails from Scientists | Union of Concerned Scientists

“These leftover emails should be met with a collective yawn,” said Francesca Grifo, senior scientist and director of the Union of Concerned Scientists’ (UCS) Scientific Integrity Program. “It’s time to condemn the real perpetrators in this story: the hackers who stole and released university property. The hackers and their allies are resorting to desperate measures to distract the public when our focus should be on how to respond to climate change.”

...UCS climate scientist Brenda Ekwurzel said the emails are a distraction from important scientific findings. “The stolen emails are an inconsequential sideshow compared to the main event: preparing ourselves for climate change and reducing emissions,” she said. “Stolen emails won’t cool us off during killer heat waves or prevent floodwaters from washing away our homes.”

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