Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Addressing Criticisms of the UAH Temperature Dataset at 1/3 Century « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

[Christy] The Washington Post blogger, in my view, is writing as a convinced advocate, not as a curious scientist or impartial journalist. But, you already knew that.

[Spencer] In my opinion, the supposed “fingerprint” evidence of human-caused warming continues to be one of the great pseudo-scientific frauds of the global warming debate. There is no way to distinguish warming caused by increasing carbon dioxide from warming caused by a more humid atmosphere responding to (say) naturally warming oceans responding to a slight decrease in maritime cloud cover (see, for example, “Oceanic Influences on Recent continental Warming“).

Many papers indeed have claimed to find a human “fingerprint”, but upon close examination the evidence is simply consistent with human caused warming — while conveniently neglecting to point out that the evidence would also be consistent with naturally caused warming. This disingenuous sleight-of-hand is just one more example of why the public is increasingly distrustful of the climate scientists they support with their tax dollars.

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Twitter / @MichaelEMann: @halfacow @AGW_Prof Lookin ...

Six men have been jailed by a German court for their part in a €300m ($391m) scam in the European market for emissions trading.

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