Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Time on Gleickgate: "just so we’re clear, this is deception — no reputable investigative reporter would be permitted to do what Gleick did. It’s almost certainly a firing offense"

Climate Expert Admits Deception in Getting Heartland Papers | Ecocentric | TIME.com

The major question now — beyond the legal ramifications for Gleick and the Heartland Institute — is whether the original document Gleick says he received, the strategy memo, is real or whether it’s a falsification as the Heartland Institute maintains. The problem for climate advocates, of course, is that suspicion will only grow that Gleick falsified the original document now that he has admitted using deception to get the additional memos. (And just so we’re clear, this is deception — no reputable investigative reporter would be permitted to do what Gleick did. It’s almost certainly a firing offense.)

...Worst of all — at least for those who care about global warming — Gleick’s act will almost certainly produce a backlash against climate advocates at a politically sensitive moment. And if the money isn’t already rolling into the Heartland Institute, it will soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gore, Mann, Hansen must be wishing to wring Gleick's neck. He took their hysteria about the end of the world through conspiracies and ran with it.

Gleick now could be forced into a public debate with the Heartland Institute on CAGW. What a debacle that could be for The Cause if the Team didn't show and didn't win.