Monday, March 19, 2012

Another Smoking Gun That Hansen Is A Climate Crook | Real Science

Hansen has recently erased the 1940s cooling in Iceland, over the objections of the Icelandic Met Office and the historical record. We are being defrauded by government experts in charge of the temperature record.

- Bishop Hill blog - Black and greenie

Michael Grubb? Who he?

Tom Wigley, in Climategate email #2547 helpfully provides some background:

I know that [economists] Rich Richels and Jae Edmonds have a very low opinion of him (as do I).  He has no formal background in economics, even though he claims to do credible economic analyses.  Basically, he is a "greenie"; and he bends his "science" to suit his ideological agenda. 

Just the man for a BBC interview then.

Opinion | Address climate change with science, not opinion polls | Seattle Times Newspaper

We should solicit the views of those not subject to political debates — fish and wildlife.

---William Geer is the Climate Change Initiative manager for the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. He produced a video, "Beyond Seasons' End — Washington," documenting the impacts of climate change on Washington's fish and wildlife.

Some bargepole treatment of skeptical science

This is even more interesting than it at first seems. A few years ago, most academic journals would happily and rapidly reject any outright challenge to Warmism. Now none of a journal's reviewers want to bear the responsibility for doing that. Neither accept nor reject is their new cowardly policy: A long way to go yet but an important change in the right direction

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