Monday, March 19, 2012

Piers Corbyn Revolutionary Solar Lunar Weather forecast gets early USA Heatwave correct 3 weeks in advance | Climate Realists

The USA is in the grip of an Early Heatwave, as per forecast from 3 weeks ago..“Before the usual silly claims are made let’s be clear these events, the USA winter mild spells in parts and the Europe-Asian supercold winter are nothing to do with CO2 or so-called man-made global Warming”...PC

An Elegant Day vs Night Test of AGW | Musings from the Chiefio

And it shows that heat does not hang around all night long. It either soaks into some water somewhere or radiates away fairly promptly, such that the evenings cool back to ‘normal’, even when excess incoming daily heat puts a bit more in the system. (Henry leaves open the question of ‘why’ days are warmer, but suspects either more sunshine or fewer clouds. I think it’s both together. Hot sun and Svensmark lower clouds come together when they come).

1951 : Dropping Dead In Texas Streets From The Heat | Real Science

- Bishop Hill blog - Climate models for politicians

I also wonder if politicians actually need to know about feedbacks and physics and sciencey stuff like that. Don't they just need to know how good the models are?

We must cut our overheated energy costs - Telegraph

Labour’s toxic legacy of tariffs and subsidies should be replaced with a set
of efficient policies, writes Dominic Raab.

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