Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Scientific Corruption That Would Make The 16th Century Vatican Proud | Real Science

Ahead of AR5, all the data is being adjusted upwards to match the orders of Pope Hansen I.

  1. Sea level is adjusted upwards
  2. HadCRUT is adjusted upwards
  3. GISS Arctic (and everywhere else) data is adjusted upwards
  4. CO2 now drives ice ages, instead of lags them
  5. etc. etc. ad nauseum

Isn’t it grand watching the most corrupt scientific episode in history unfold right before your eyes?

A New Global Warming Alarmist Tactic: Real Temperature Measurements Don't Matter - Forbes

Britain's Looming Solar Fiasco

Fears that "free solar panel" offers to generate £1,000 a year out of thin air looked too good to be true will be fuelled by new claims that banks and building societies are refusing mortgage applications. Some properties where photovoltaic (PV) panels have been installed are proving unmortgageable and unsaleable, hitting house prices.

Twitter / @HeidiCullen: RT @Ben_Geman: Energy Sec. ...

RT : Energy Sec. Chu on change at NYT event: “The dispassionate, hard science evidence has been mounting, increasing.”

Twitter / @omnologos: There's a good reason why ...

There's a good reason why 22 years later, change alarmism hasn't spawned "global warming magazines" like eg Astronomy has (cont)

Heartland Institute Calls on Oxford to Cancel Speech by Admitted Thief Peter Gleick | FakeGate

“All honest scientists should be outraged that Oxford University should honor Gleick with a guest lecture,” said Heartland Institute President Joseph Bast. “The actions Gleick has admitted to having taken – lying repeatedly and committing fraud, and then denying responsibility and refusing to take corrective action – all make him unqualified to speak to students or as a scientist.

“The oldest university in the English-speaking world should be ashamed to associate itself with a bungling thief and scientific fraud,” Bast said. “John Locke, Linus Pauling, and Edwin Hubble must be spinning in their graves.”

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