Saturday, May 12, 2012

Flashback 1972 – David Suzuki: Humans are just “maggots” that “defecate all over the environment”

A fascinating clip from 1972 has surfaced, giving us a searing insight into how Suzuki really views humanity, and it's not a pleasant picture. In the clip, Suzuki can be heard detailing his world view that people are "maggots" that "defecate all over the environment".  Far from viewing children and the next children as a repository of hope and change, as he's argued in published interviews, he Suzuki explains he sees babies as just like maggots that hatch from the egg, crawl out of the womb and then crawl around like maggots simply eating and defecating all over the environment.

A young woman can be heard murmuring in agreement " . . . the world is overrun with maggots", to which Suzuki nods in agreement and carries on.

Nice huh?

1 comment:

Fred from Canuckistan said...

The same David Suzuki who has fathered five children, owns multiple waterfront properties, one of which is a fly in property and has a carbon footprint the size of New Jersey.

That David Suzuki, the one sometimes referred to as Dr. Fruit Fly?