Saturday, May 12, 2012

Stocker in Oxford
Now obviously the weakly grounded beliefs of modern climate scientists aren't in the Newtonian league (and nor, equally, is their work) but they do seem to have very strong beliefs based on weak or equivocal evidence. Of course they don't tend to spend their time in hermit-like isolation (see below) but they seldom if ever are obliged to engage directly with lucid sceptics. So I wonder if the reason for the strength of climate scientists' weakly supported beliefs is that not only are they similar to Newton in that they seldom or never face opposition, but they constantly reinforce one another's beliefs.

I also wonder (hope?) if, in some more rational future, "AGW" will be investigated mainly by psychologists as a powerful example of a recurrent and damaging aspect of human behaviour.

Oh, and this is somewhat BTW, and possibly unfair, but I looked at the website for WG1 and came across a list of the meetings and workshops for the group. The noble men and women in WG1 have, since 2009, endured travel to and stay in the following locations: Honolulu, Oslo, Venice, Geneva, Bali, Panama, Boulder, Hanoi, Kuala Lumpur, Stanford, Belgium (hmmm, someone slipped up), Geneva again, Kunming (China), Okinawa, Gold Coast (Australia), Lima, Brest, Kampala and Marrakech. They are plainly terrified of the effect of all those CO2 emissions.

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