Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Revkin continues to behave as if he doesn't actually believe in his own alarmism: Now he jets off to the Philippines

Is Revkin paying for all of this fossil-fueled travel out of his own pocket?  Is he taking any money from vested interests?

Twitter / Revkin:

Looking forward to getting updated on Asia energy trends, issues, opportunities at @AsianDevelopmentBank

Speakers at the ADB Forum in the Philippines

Andrew Revkin Journalist and Author New York Times

Flashback: Revkin continues to behave as if he doesn't actually believe in his own alarmism: Now he jets off to London

Two weeks ago: Andy Revkin continues to behave as if he doesn't believe in the alarmism of Andy Revkin: He tweets of "soaking up sun & cappuccino " after yet another long, unnecessary fossil-fueled flight (this one to Portugal)

Oct 2011: Trips to Iowa and Houston and Arizona and Miami and Santa Monica: In his quest to restrict your fossil fuel use, New York warmist Andy Revkin leaves no plane unboarded

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"at @AsianDevelopmentBank"

Why is development so closely tied to global warming? Probably because they see AGW as means to fund development projects in other countries.