Monday, March 26, 2012

Revkin continues to behave as if he doesn't actually believe in his own alarmism: Now he jets off to London

Managing a Planet Under Pressure -

I’m heading to London overnight to engage in panel discussions on the roles of communication and governance in sustaining a thriving planet in this century.

Two weeks ago: Andy Revkin continues to behave as if he doesn't believe in the alarmism of Andy Revkin: He tweets of "soaking up sun & cappuccino " after yet another long, unnecessary fossil-fueled flight (this one to Portugal)

Oct 2011: Trips to Iowa and Houston and Arizona and Miami and Santa Monica: In his quest to restrict your fossil fuel use, New York warmist Andy Revkin leaves no plane unboarded


Anonymous said...

As the Instapundit writes, Tom:

I'll start believing it's a crisis when the people who keep telling me it's a crisis start acting like it's a crisis.

Mrs. EntryReqrd said...

I wonder if Andy will be discussing conservation and the need for lifestyle change aboard the Virgin Galactic with other well known Global Warming activists that have already signed up for the $200,000 ride?